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February 25 @ 5:00 pm 8:00 pm

This second Summit, which is building on the success of the first 2024 Summit, will be held over three days in February – March 2025.

-For two sessions in February participants will collaborate within workgroups to develop their own ideas to end gun violence.

-Then in March, the workgroups will present their ideas to community leaders who have interest in helping the workgroups put their plan into action.

This application is available to be completed by young people between ages 12 – 25 years old in the Kalamazoo area who are committing to action on gun violence.

Upon completing and submitting this application, which is available  at:  https://bit.ly/3PtvyNQ or through the QR code on the attached flyer, applicants will be contacted by the Summit 2.0 planning group with more information about locations and transportation.

Applicants submitting an application are committing to attend all 3 evenings of the Summit:

-February 4th and February 25th, 2025 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Anna Whitten Hall (KVCC downtown campus) and

-a community presentation event on March 14, 2025, at the Girls Scout building in Kalamazoo.

Food and beverages will be provided at site. Transportation provided as needed. Locations are accessible with transportation passes and parking validation options. Details in application form.

Participants who attend all three sessions will receive an honorarium at the end of the third
